Residence Permits
FrankfurtRheinMain (FRM) is a diverse region, offering excellent career prospects as well as a very high quality of life. If you would like to stay for a longer period of time, you will need permission from the German authorities in the form of a residence permit. This does not apply if you are a European Union national and are already working in Germany, or if you are looking for work and have good prospects of finding paid work. In this case, you can, of course, enjoy the benefits of living and working in FRM.
Residence Permit
There are different types of residence permits and the most common is the Aufenthaltserlaubnis. You need this to work, study or do an apprenticeship in FRM. The permit is always bound to a specific purpose of stay and is only valid for a specific period of time. You can apply for an extension as long as the purpose is still valid.
In principal, you may also receive a work permit along with your residence permit. This allows you to work in Germany. If you fulfil the legal requirements for employment in Germany, you do not have to apply separately for a work permit.
After entering Germany you can apply for your residence permit at your local Immigration Authority, the Ausländerbehörde, in FRM. You can find your local office in our overview.
EU Blue Card
While the USA has the Green Card, the European Union offers the EU Blue Card. This is a temporary residence permit for skilled workers with a university degree and is initially valid for up to four years.
To qualify for the EU Blue Card, you must meet the following conditions:
- You have a university degree that is recognized in Germany or comparable to a German degree OR
- You have completed tertiary education i.e., higher vocational education of at least three years’ duration. It must be equivalent to Level 6 of the European Qualifications Framework Examples of this are further education qualifications as a master craftsman or craftswoman, vocational qualifications in early childhood education or specific diplomas from vocational colleges.
- You have an employment contract or a binding job offer with a minimum annual salary of € 45,300 (in 2024) before tax. Your contract must be a minimum of six months’ duration and the job must correspond to your qualifications,
- If you are employed in a sector with job shortages, an annual salary of € 41,041.80 (in 2024) before tax is sufficient.
The EU Blue Card has many advantages. With it, you can travel to almost all of the EU member states without a visa. If your level of German is B1, you can apply for a settlement permit (Niederlassungserlaubnis) in Germany after working for 21 months. If you have worked for 33 months in a job which is highly qualified, you generally have the right to a settlement permit.
Family members of an EU Blue Card holder receive a residence permit without proof of German language skills and may begin working in Germany immediately. You are also permitted to reside outside of the EU for up to 12 consecutive months without losing your residence permit.
Further details on the EU Blue Card can be found here: Make it in Germany.
Settlement Permit
Have you lived in Germany with a residence permit for at least five years and do not want to have to keep extending it? The settlement permit (Niederlassungserlaubnis) is an unlimited residence permit that is not bound to a specific purpose of stay. With this permit, you can stay in Germany and FRM as long as you wish and have a free choice of jobs.
In addition, you must meet the following conditions:
- You are financially self-sufficient and not relying on state benefits.
- You have paid into the state pension scheme for at least 48 months.
- You have had a work permit for four years and your job corresponds to your qualifications.
- You have sufficient knowledge of German (B1), and basic knowledge of German society, the German way of life and the German legal system.
- You have adequate housing for yourself and your family.
In some cases, there are easier conditions for applying for a settlement permit, for example if you have an EU Blue Card or have completed studies or vocational training in Germany, or if you are highly qualified or self-employed.
More information on permanent residency for third country nationals, can be found on the following website: Make it in Germany
Permanent EU Residence Permit
The permanent EU residence permit (Erlaubnis zum Daueraufenthalt EU) is also an unlimited residence permit with very similar conditions to those of the settlement permit (Niederlassungserlaubnis). However, the main difference is that the permanent EU residence permit also entitles the holder to mobility within the European Union. This means that you also have the right to a limited residence permit in other EU member states.
You are eligible for the Permanent EU Residence Permit if you fulfil the following conditions:
- You have lived in Germany for at least five years
- You can provide adequate financial support for yourself and your family members
- You have sufficient knowledge of German (B1), and basic knowledge of German society, the German way of life and the German legal system.
- You have adequate housing for yourself and your family.
- You have paid into the state pension scheme for at least 60 months.
More detailed information about residence permits and the relevant requirements can be found on the website Make it in Germany
Reunification of Family Members
Many people initially come to the FrankfurtRheinMain region to live and work, without their families. Then, when they like it here and decide to stay, they often think of bringing their family members to FRM.
Family members who are EU nationals have more favourable conditions for living and working in Germany.
Otherwise, the path is as follows: to enter Germany your family member will require a visa for the purpose of family reunification (Visum zum Zwecke des Familiennachzugs). You can apply for this at the German Embassy or Consulate where the members of your family live. There, you will also be informed about the documents required.
Once your family member arrives in FRM, they must register at your local registration office, the Einwohnermeldeamt, and then apply in person for a residence permit for family reunification (Aufenthaltserlaubnis für den Familiennachzug) at your local Immigration Authority, the Ausländerbehörde. Once they have this residence permit, your family members may also work in Germany.
If you and your spouse hold temporary residence permits, your children under the age of 16 will also receive one in order to join you
To qualify for family reunification, you have to meet several criteria:
- As an employee, you either have a residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis) or a settlement permit (Niederlassungserlaubnis), or an EU Blue Card.
- You have health insurance and sufficient financial means to provide for your family.
- You have rented an apartment with enough space for yourself and all members of your family.
- Your spouse is at least 18-years-old.
- Children must be unmarried and under 18 years old.
Further details on the reunification of family members can be found here: Make it in Germany
If you have any other questions on this, you may contact the Association of Binational Families and Partnerships in Frankfurt am Main.