The German Language
Harsh, unmelodius and strict: there are many cliches about the German language. However, German is also the language of great philosophers and poets, and contains words which are difficult to translate, such as "Weltschmerz", "Zeitgeist" or "Fernweh". If you live in FrankfurtRheinMain (FRM), a basic knowledge of German is essential long-term in order to get by as well as for work.
Every new language has its challenges, while at the same time broadening horizons. But, do not be afraid! In the international FrankfurtRheinMain region, you will be able to get by in English to a great extent. However, if you do not work in an English-speaking company, you will have to speak German in the long term. To be honest, if you really want to make yourself at home in FRM, you will need some knowledge of German. If you have the option, you can start learning a few words before you arrive. Otherwise, we are happy to help you find the right German course.
How difficult you find learning German will depend on your language background. If you speak Latin or a Slavic language, you will probably find it easier to learn German. If you already speak a Germanic language such as English, Swedish or Dutch, you will most probably be familiar with many German words or expressions.
Many people may find German pronunciation very rigid, but at least it is pretty simple: you pronounce what you see. In German, all of the syllables are pronounced.
Have fun! It is a well-know fact that German words can be added together to form new words. The record for this is held by a word with 67 letters: Grundstücksverkehrsgenehmigungszuständigkeitsübertragungsverordnung. Up until 2013 the word Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz (63 letters) also existed. You do not have to know these words, but you can try to beat them. With a large enough vocabulary, maybe you will set your own record!
Our recommendation: immerse yourself in the German language – and do not be afraid! People from all over the world live in FRM. No one expects you to speak perfectly, and everyone will be more than happy to help you.