Vocational Training in Germany
Germany has the best training system in the world. With the dual trainee scheme, which is unique internationally, trainees learn on the job as well as at vocational schools, and then apply theory to practice. In addition, the dual training scheme enables you to start working immediately.
In Germany and FrankfurtRheinMain (FRM), you can choose between school-based training or vocational training. The chances of getting a job in your chosen occupation after you have completed your course is just as good in both cases.
Company-based Training
Company-based training, or the dual trainee scheme, is at the core of the German training system and many companies cover their needs for young skilled workers in this way.
"Azubis", the German nickname for trainees, spend most of their time training on the job. As an "Azubi", you get to know the job in practice. For one to two days a week, you attend vocational school, where you learn the basic theory of your job. At the end of the training course, which normally takes three years, you take an exam. If you pass it, you receive an officially recognised qualification.
Popular jobs include office management assistant, retail management assistant, IT specialist, mechatronics technician and industrial management assistant.
Trainees generally earn between €620 and €1.475 a month, with a salary increase each year. For a dual training scheme, you may qualify to apply to the Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BA), the Federal Employment Agency, for a Berufsausbildungsbeihilfe, a vocational training grant, from the state.
School-based Training
With school-based training, you spend less time in the company and take courses at a vocational school, technical college or specialised academy instead. You gain practical experience through longer internships at companies where you can apply in practice what you have learned in theory.
School-based training is standard for jobs in the care sector, as well as in the design, commercial or technical sectors. It takes two to three years and finishes with a qualification in a certified occupation or recognised apprenticeship. School-based training is offered at both public and private schools, whereby you often have to pay fees to private providers.
Popular school-based traineeships are for nursery or Kindergarten teachers, geriatric nurses, speech therapists, machine and systems operators and technical IT assistants.
You do not receive a fixed salary during school-based training. In exceptional cases, trainees from abroad may apply to the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), Federal Ministry of Education and Research, for financial support in the form of an Ausbildungs-BAföG, training grant. This is an interest-free state loan, which you repay at very reasonable terms after completing your training.
A German traineeship has a great reputation worldwide and offers a lot of prospects - especially in FRM. Find out here which jobs you have the best chances in.
Useful Contacts
District / Cities: City Frankfurt am Main
Bockenheimer Landstraße 21
60325 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: +49 (0) 69 97172 818
E-Mail: service@hwk-rhein-main.de
Website: https://www.hwk-rhein-main.de/de
We speak: German
District / Cities: City Mainz
Dagobertstraße 2
55116 Mainz
Phone: +49 (0) 6131 9992 0
E-Mail: j.schueler@hwk.de
Website: https://hwk.de/
We speak: German
District / Cities: City Wiesbaden
Bierstadter Straße 45
65189 Wiesbaden
Phone: +49 (0) 611 1360
E-Mail: info@hwk-wiesbaden.de
Website: https://www.hwk-wiesbaden.de/
We speak: German
The Frankfurt am Main Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) supports companies and (prospective) skilled workers. We provide advice on all aspects of vocational training and further education, and on the recognition of professional qualifications from abroad.
The Frankfurt am Main Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) offers impartial advice and support for every scenario in a company. For example, we support companies wishing to hire skilled workers (from abroad), on questions regarding labour law, among other things. We are also the right contact regarding vocational training and further education to give employees additional qualifications. In addition, we are the first point of contact for (potential) skilled workers on getting off to a good start in the world of work. We provide, for example, information on having professional qualifications from abroad recognized and advise on opportunities for vocational training and further education.
District / Cities: City Frankfurt am Main
Börsenplatz 4
60313 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: +49 (0)69 2197 0
E-Mail: info@frankfurt-main.ihk.de
Website: https://www.frankfurt-main.ihk.de/english/
We speak: German
District / Cities: City Darmstadt
Rheinstraße 89
64295 Darmstadt
Phone: +49 (0)6151 8710
E-Mail: info@darmstadt.ihk.de
Website: https://www.darmstadt.ihk.de/
We speak: German, English
Costs: Partly fee-based
District / Cities: District Fulda
Heinrichstraße 8
36037 Fulda
Phone: +49 (0)661 284 0
E-Mail: info@fulda.ihk.de
Website: https://www.ihk-fulda.de/
We speak: German
The Gießen-Friedberg Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) represents the economic interests of the business community in the districts of Gießen, Vogelsberg and Wetterau. In addition, we support our corporate members (approximately 45,000) by carrying out legally assigned tasks as well as offering a comprehensive range of services. We see ourselves as an organization that focuses on business participation. In the future, along with our corporate members, we would like to grow stronger by: “Joining in together. Making a difference together. Winning together”. Around 1,800 volunteers already follow this motto and participate in our IHK committees. Together we can accomplish more for each individual.
District / Cities: District Gießen
Lonystr. 7
35390 Gießen
Phone: +49 (0)641 7954 0
E-Mail: zentrale@giessen-friedberg.ihk.de
Website: https://www.giessen-friedberg.ihk.de/service/english2016
We speak: German, English
Costs: Partly fee-based
The Limburg Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) is a self-governing economic institution. It brings together all of the business people in the region, with the exception of craftsmen. Its task is to support its registered corporate members and to safeguard the common interests of all sectors of the economy. Additionally, as a public institution, the IHK has a sovereign function and is also self-governing. Therefore, the IHK does not have any individual interests and is guaranteed to be objective. The district of the IHK Limburg includes the district Limburg-Weilburg.
District / Cities: District Limburg-Weilburg
Walderdorffstraße 7
65549 Limburg a. d. Lahn
Phone: +49 (0)6431 210130
E-Mail: m.hahn@limburg.ihk.de
Website: https://www.ihk-limburg.de
We speak: German, English
Costs: Partly fee-based
The Offenbach am Main Chamber of Industry and Commerce is part of the network of 79 Chambers of Industry and Commerce in Germany, as well as a member of the German Chambers of Commerce Abroad. It represents 40,000 corporate members in the region of Offenbach. With 70 highly qualified employees, it is the relevant contact for its corporate members on questions related to economic and business development, as well as for local and regional policies.
District / Cities: City Offenbach am Main
Frankfurter Straße 90
63067 Offenbach am Main
Phone: + 49 (0)69 8207 0
E-Mail: service@offenbach.ihk.de
Website: https://www.offenbach.ihk.de
We speak: German
Costs: Partly fee-based
Recognition of professional qualifications from abroad;
Advice and support to applicants from Rheinhessen for the IHK FOSA's (Foreign Skills Approval) equivalence assessment process for dual training schemes, as well as for further education qualifications in the fields of industry, commerce, gastronomy and services.
Welcome Centre:
Central point of contact guiding both Rheinhessen-based companies as well as skilled workers from abroad. The IHK Welcome Centre for Rheinhessen advises companies on the recruitment and integration of international skilled workers and managers, and supports skilled workers from abroad in their new job.
District / Cities: City Mainz
Schillerplatz 7
55116 Mainz
Phone: +49 (0)6131 262 1707
E-Mail: ute.lachmayer@rheinhessen.ihk24.de
Website: https://www.rheinhessen.ihk24.de/en
We speak: German, English
Costs: Free of charge
District / Cities: City Wiesbaden
Wilhelmstraße 24-26
65183 Wiesbaden
Phone: +49 (0)611 1500 0
E-Mail: info@wiesbaden.ihk.de
Website: https://www.ihk-wiesbaden.de/s/ueber-uns/die-ihk-wiesbaden/international/chamber-of-commerce-and-industry-wiesbaden
We speak: German
The Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) gives hints and tips by phone or in conferences and seminars on topics such as starting your own business, as well as giving advice on the content and prerequisites for vocational training and further education courses. The service is mainly aimed at businesses and individuals who would like to settle in the Main-Kinzig district, or for those who are already based here, or live here. We are happy to answer questions from the metropolitan region about seminars and further education courses offered by the IHK Hanau-Gelnhausen-Schlüchtern.
District / Cities: District Main-Kinzig
Am Pedro-Jung-Park 14
63450 Hanau
Phone: +49 (0)6181 9290
E-Mail: r.hawly@hanau.ihk.de
Website: https://www.hanau.ihk.de/
We speak: German, English
Costs: Fee-based
The Koordinierungsstelle Ausbildung und Migration (Coordination Centre for Vocational Training and Migration), KAUSA, aims to attract more entrepreneurs with a migration background to vocational training, as well as increasing the participation of young migrants and young refugees in training schemes, and informing their parents about dual training schemes. We work together with our network partners from vocational training, businesses and schools, as well as migrant organisations, religious communities and associations in our region.
The relevant office for Rheinhessen is located at the Handwerkskammer Rheinhessen in Mainz.
District / Cities: District Mainz-Bingen
Dagobertstraße 2
Haus des Handwerks
55116 Mainz
Phone: +49 (0) 6131 9992 12
E-Mail: h.externbrink@hwk.de
Website: https://www.hwk.de/ausbildung/
We speak: German, English, French, Arabic
Costs: Free of charge