Hier finden Sie Infos zu den Themen Beratung, Visum, Einreisebestimmungen, Aufenthaltstitel und Einbürgerung in Frankfurt RheinMain.

Find it in FRM: Authorities and Advisory Services

Have you just arrived in FrankfurtRheinMain (FRM)? Then our Roadmap will guide you through the first steps you need to take. Or are you planning on coming? If so, you will have to visit the authorities several times. Below is a brief overview of the most important ones:

Germany is a Federal Republic just like the U.S.A. or Canada. This means that state-related duties are divided between the Federal Government and the 16 regional states, the Bundesländer. The federal government, for example, is responsible for immigration law but the laws are enforced by the local authorities in the regional states. Therefore the districts, cities and municipalities are responsible for the Immigration Authority (Ausländerbehörde). This means that you must always contact the relevant authority in your area.

German federal states, for example, are also in charge of Education Policy. As a result, the school system is slightly different in FRM depending on whether you live in the state of Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate or Bavaria.

Each district and each city has at least:

  • One Citizens Centre
  • One Immigration Authority
  • One Employment Agency
  • One Migration Advisory Service


What is...

… a Citizens Centre? A Citizens Centre (Bürgeramt, Bürgerbüro or Einwohnermeldeamt) is the central point of contact for a town, city or district, where inhabitants can apply for regular public services related to personal matters, such as registration of residence, identity cards, proof of registration etc.

…an Immigration Authority? The Immigration Authority (Ausländerbehörde) is responsible for all questions related to the right of residence and makes decisions regarding residence permits in line with the German Residence Act.

… an Employment Agency? An Employment Agency (Agentur für Arbeit) is a service provided by the Federal Employment Agency. The Employment Agency is your first point of contact for advice on the job market and looking for a job.

…a Migration Advisory Service? The Migration Advisory Service (Migrationsberatung) is a local advisory service that provides advice and assistance to new arrivals.

You can easily find your local immigration offices and consulates in FRM by using the search function on our map. The contact data is also available in the download section on this page.

Did you know that...

... there are over 50 consulates in the FRM region, which save you going to the embassies in Berlin? Check our list to see if your country is among them.

For information on the health system in FRM, go to our page "Find it in FRM: Doctors and Authorities". There you will also find the most important emergency telephone numbers.

FRM offers a telephone service for all questions related to the authorities: Call public administration number 115 for fast and reliable information about which authorities and offices are responsible for which issues, whether it is for passports, registration or housing subsidies. You can reach the public administration number 115 from Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm.

You can find Migration Advisory Service Centres, Migrationsberatungsstellen, on the official website of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF). Below you will find a selection of Migration Advisory Service offices in FRM:

Useful Contacts

We cooperate with the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) on migration advice and advise migrants on everything relating to their life here before, during and after the integration course. We give advice on integration and education, amongst other things. When required, we offer support with individual cases and support newcomers before, during and after their integration course.
After successfully negotiating with the Arbeiterwohlfahrt-AWO (Workers’ Welfare) and the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF), the authorities agreed to set up a Migration Advisory Service for adults who are new to the Rheingau area.
It is located at the AWO Rheingau-Taunus Soziale Arbeit gGmbH in Bad Schwalbach.

District / Cities: District Rheingau-Taunus
Hohlweg 45
65396 Walluf

Phone: +49 (0) 6123 790 742
E-Mail: migrationsberatung2@awo-rtk.de
Website: https://www.awo-rtk.de/459-2/
We speak: German, English, Italian
Costs: Free of charge

The advisory service offers advice to people with a migration background on the following topics: learning a language, schools, education, employment, recognition of degrees, social and legal issues, financial matters, contact with authorities, childcare, as well as personal and family matters. The advice is free and confidential.

Our language courses include integration courses (general courses, courses for parents or young adults, orientation courses) and advanced German language courses (B2). The courses are sponsored by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) and may be free of charge depending on your circumstances.

District / Cities: City Frankfurt am Main
Justinuskirchstraße 3a
65929 Frankfurt am Main

Phone: +49 (0)69 3085805-10
E-Mail: hannelore.ringeisen@awo-hs.org
Website: https://www.awo-hs.org
We speak: German, English, Turkish, Persian, Arabic, Russian, Croatian, Serbian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Italian
Costs: Free of charge

The Migration Advisory Service in the city and district of Aschaffenburg offers migrants advice and support depending on individual needs. Our service is free of charge and confidential. Some of the topics we give advice on are:
- residency issues
- language qualifications
- looking for accommodation
- professional qualifications/recognition of qualifications
- social benefits/financial matters
- family and social matters

District / Cities: City Aschaffenburg
Treibgasse 24
63739 Aschaffenburg

Phone: +49 (0) 6021 233 58
E-Mail: migrationsberatung-ab@awo-unterfranken.de
We speak: German, English, Turkish
Costs: Free of charge

Migration Advisory Service for adults, refugees and young migrants. Support with the process of integration and case management as well as crisis intervention and short consultations.

District / Cities: District Limburg-Weilburg
Neumarkt 7
65549 Limburg

Phone: +49 (0) 6431 200 540
E-Mail: migration.limburg@caritas-limburg.de
Website: http://www.caritaslimburg.de/
We speak: German, English, Persian
Costs: Free of charge

With around 100 institutions and services in the various fields of social work, the Caritas Association is one of the major providers of free social welfare in Frankfurt. As a competent and modern service provider, whose activities are based on Christian values, we offer a unique network of social services and assistance, along with Catholic parishes in Frankfurt. Every day, we have more than 1,600 employees and around 1,400 volunteers engaged in encouraging a supportive and socially responsible community, helping everyone to succeed in life.

District / Cities: City Frankfurt am Main
Alte Mainzer Gasse 10
60311 Frankfurt am Main

Phone: +49 69 298 20
E-Mail: info@caritas-frankfurt.de
Website: https://www.caritas-frankfurt.de
We speak: German, English
Costs: Free of charge

The goal of the Migration Advisory Centre, run by the German Red Cross in Friedberg, is to actively initiate the process of integration for migrants, while guiding and supporting them using the case management method.
We are happy to prepare an individual integration plan, which includes all topics relevant to integration.

For asylum-seekers, the focus is on guiding and supporting refugees during their asylum process. We advise refugees during their asylum process, refugees with tolerated right to stay and those who have returned voluntarily. We support them during their asylum process and inform them about the procedures, their rights and obligations etc.

District / Cities: District Wetterau
Homburger Str. 26
61169 Friedberg

E-Mail: sezgin.yilmaz@drk-friedberg.de
Website: http://www.drk-friedberg.de/
We speak: German, English, French, Turkish, Zazaki
Costs: Free of charge

The Migration Advisory Service for Adults (MBE), run by the German Red Cross in Offenbach, offers advice and support to help migrants settle into their new environment. The advice ranges from support with language and integration courses, childcare, contacting authorities, residency issues, livelihood, housing and recreation, education and employment, to advice on personal and family matters. This advisory service is intended to support individuals to help themselves. The advice is strictly confidential, free of charge and unbiased. They also have offices in Rodgau and Seligenstadt.

District / Cities: City Offenbach am Main
Herrnstraße 57
Team Soziale Dienste
63065 Offenbach am Main

Phone: +49 (0) 151 171 250 74
E-Mail: christina.hempel@drk-of.de
Website: https://www.drk-of.de/angebote/integration-und-migration-1/migrationsberatung-mbe.html
We speak: German, English, Hindi
Costs: Free of charge